Client Eligibility

  • Stays with the Owner(s), not dogs

  • Started prior to June 15th, 2015

  • Regular (>2 yrs) and in good standing

Dog Requirements

  • 8+ weeks of age
  • Free of communicable diseases
  • Vaccinations up to date
    • Rabies (16+wks old)
    • DHPP (Distemper combo)
    • Bordetella ("kennel cough")
  • Recent Clean Fecal Test +Giardia Screening
  • Intact ok, but cannot be in heat
  • Crate-Trained; calm and quiet
  • No Separation Anxiety
  • Returning Dog: Visit w/in 2 years (or...)
  • New Dog: Pass an Overnight Trial Stay

What's included

during Boarding-Only Stays

  • Treats & Love

    Your dog will receive excellent care and supervision, treats, pets, praise, play, and love, every day they stay with us.

  • Balanced Activities

    It's important to offset play and excitement with rest and relaxation in order to avoid issues from cropping up.

  • Verbal Report

    Most stays end with a quick conversation about how your dog's stay went and we answer any questions you may have.

Boarding-Only Pricing

Starting at $45/night

  • Base Rate


    We charge for boarding by the night regardless of arrival and departure times. Then depending on if drop-off and pick-up are here, or if we are picking your dog up and/or dropping them off at your home, available appointment times will vary [8AM-8pm].

  • Optional Added Training

    $35/training day

    On each day that you add training, your dog will receive 1-2 formal sessions (about 1/2 hour). Then on non-training/boarding-only days (if there are any), we will continue to reinforce good manners.

  • Optional Transportation Service


    If availability and space allow, we offer the option to add dog-only transportation to your reservation. The "AllBreedMobile" that transports is usually a silver Ford SUV equipped with safe metal kennels:-)

Packing Checklist

Include the essentials... please pack -in bulk- at least a couple of days worth of their food (and meds) extra, just in case they need to stay longer than anticipated.

  • Non-slip Collar with Identification

  • 4-6 ft Leash (not retractable)

  • Regular Food (& Medications) + extra

  • Slow-feed Bowl if needed

  • Treats if they have a sensitive stomach

  • Medical Supplies if needed

  • Behavior Aids if needed

  • Walking/Training Tools if needed

  • [Optional: Their own Bedding]

  • [Flea/Tick/Heartworm Preventative]


  • Can I just bring my dog for Boarding-Only?

    Even without training added, we find ourselves training the dogs that stay with us anyway... we correct jumping, mouthing, chasing, barking, destructive chewing, etc., and encourage good habits such as polite greetings, being calm and quiet in the house, and only chewing on toys and bones. All of this takes much more time and energy (but costs no extra), which is why we no longer accept new boarding-only clients.

  • What if I started Boarding before 2015?

    For our loyal clients who started regularly Boarding-Only with us prior to June 1, 2015, we have grandfathered them into the service so that they can continue to board their dogs where they are most comfortable. If you're unsure about eligibility, please email us.

  • Can I add formal training to their stay?

    As long as we have the availability to accommodate Refresher Training (and if what you want us to work on is realistic within the date range), we can add formal training sessions to their stay for an additional fee.

  • What if I need more hands-on help?

    When requesting your Reservation, please consider if you need to schedule a Private Lesson on the last day of their stay... if you have any questions, please email us.

  • How can I Request a Reservation?

    Please go to the Customer Portal Login to update your profile, request reservations, upload vaccine/fecal records, pay deposits and invoices, update your dog's information, etc.